Monday, November 10, 2008


Base costs
100 meter Cruiser $300,000 Armored, fast, Gunned, carries 10 vehicles worth of space
150 Meter Cargo $240,000 Carries 25 Vehicles sizes worth of space
200 Meter Cruiser $400,000 Armored, fast, Gunned, Carries 20 Vehicles worth of space
200 Meter Cargo $320,000 Carries 40 Vehicles sizes worth of space
250 Meter Cargo $400,000 Carries 50 Vehicles sizes worth of space
300 Meter Cruiser $600,000 Armored, Gunned, carries 30 Vehicles worth of space
300 Meter Cargo $480,000 Carries 65 Vehicles sizes worth of space
350 Meter Cargo $560,000 Carries 85 Vehicle sizes worth of space
400 Meter Cruiser $800,000 Armored, gunned, Carries 40 Vehicles worth of space
400 Meter Cargo $640,000 Carries 100 Vehicles sizes worth of space

base cost mods ( base cost x 1 + mods added together)
Luxury ( 2 ) -Fly in utter style
Bare bones ( - .2 ) -"Is this cat walk made of 2x4's?"
Air pad and hangers ( .2 ) -Cargo space may be set aside for aircraft bays
Double hulled ( .4 ) -increase cargo capacity by 40%
Slow ( - .2 ) -50% standard speed
Fast ( .2 ) -150% standard speed
Armored ( .2 ) -Ship exterior hull is armored to protect vital areas
Gunned (.4) -Ship incorporates multiple gun turrets and heavy armorments

Used Quality (% is applied to Base x mod)
  • barely flying 20%
  • beaten 40%
  • up kept 60%
  • well maintained +80%
  • Excellent condition +90%
Upkeep is meters in length x2 per month in basic upkeep
Crew skill affects "upkeep"
rookies x .5
qualified x 1
veteran x 2
elite x 4

Rather than throw all these #'s at you next time. This is basically the cost/base ideas for costs I had. Take a look, ask questions, think in your mind what you want, crunch some #'s and post up. I'll use what your looking for/thinking of as a guide line. For what the agent finds or at least looks for. Cole would have gotten a shoe thrown at him just asking for a "Zeppelin". Cole would in fact know a bit more, and have a bit more specifications than... "A Zeppelin"

Oh for FYI sake:
Your walkers are Size 7 (21 total)
Each Pz4g is size 12 (45 total)
The centurion is size 13 (58 total)
The tortoise is size 14 (72 total)
Yuri's "Olga" is size 8 (80 total) *and would need the Air pad upgrade
Rose's "Betty" is size 12 (92 total) *and would need the Air pad upgrade

So to carry all the load you'd need the 400 meter boat. That's a bit much. kinda due to lugging 2 of the largest tanks in the world around with you and a massive hauler chopper (that does not help). You could stash a few of the tanks at the base, and only take what you think you'd need. If you did it would only be about 65 and could fit in 250 double hull or just barely in a reg. 300.

A used well kept 250 meter double hulled with air pad and hangers (cargo space set at 50/20)
is about $384,000

A used barely flying 300 meter air pad and hangers equiped (cargo set at 45/20)
is about $134,000

A new 400 meter luxury fast double hulled Air pad equiped super cargo liner
is about $2,432,000

A used and beaten 100 meter cruiser with Air pad and hanger
is about $144,000

  • All numbers are affected by Roll playing and situations.
  • These are just approx bench marks
  • "Size" is not really just how big it is, its a rating of how much space it takes up, how heavy it is, how cumbersome it is.
  • Cargo space/vehicle space by proxy also includes the space for repairing and maintaining the units. Not doing so and "cramming" them in with no concessions to prep or access. you can count the stored vehicles sizes as 2/3 (round up) rather than full. However no repairs, prep, or maintenance may be reformed on them.
  • A "Lab" requires its rating x2 in space to be effective. A lvl 2 elec, lvl 2 mech, lvl 2 tink would take up 12 (4+4+4) size worth of space. (something else to consider)
  • Don't forget... Black has $150,000 too, if you partner with him.

Sunday, November 9, 2008



In the walk home between Allister's and my place... say 30 minutes. I came up with this

Advanced skill Super science:
PREQ: Level 2 in 2 of the following "technical Science" fields, medical, or "Physical science" fields
Complex skill (If a skill has multiple "fields" it may be taken twice to qualify)

Upon attaining a new complexity level of "Super science" char may pick ONE of the sub skills. And may only apply the "Super science" skill to make/install that technology.

Complexity 1
jet propulsion
organ transplant
advanced Airframe design

Complexity 2
Penetrating radar
advance jet propulsion
guided rocketry
Variable Pitch Vertical Take Off and Landing (VPVTOL)
Ground Effect technology
prosthetic cybernetics
experimental airframe design

Complexity 3
Weaponized Lasers(heavy leaser)
Gaussian theory(heavy rail guns)
Dynamic electric field theory(Tesla coils)
Magnetic fields maipulation(mag cannons)
Advanced computers
invasive cybernetics
micronization (ray guns, man portables)
personal flight systems
atomic energy theory
Acoustic induction (Sonic cannons)
Bio chemistry
Advanced plastics

Complexity 4
Adv. Laser weapons (light laser/ sniper laser)
Advance Gaussian theory(light rail guns)
Advanced Cybernetic
Advanced micronization
advanced personal flight systems
Micro Robotics

Complexity 5
Counter Iron equations
Quantum mechanics
Neutron technology

*** Additional notes on super science ***

Burst of genius
A char may at any time purchase a new sub skill for a cost of 5 xp points


A char may attempt to "study" or "Figure out" a new sub skill rather than spend XP. This has 2 separate rules depending on how you wish to do it.
  1. With example: Char must posses, be able to study a piece of "super science", or be taugh by a teacher. He makes a unmodified "knowledge" check against a DC equal to 3 times the complexity level. He may add +1 to the roll if they take 1 week, +2 if they take 1 month, +3 if they take 3 months, +4 if they take 1 year to study the technology. At the end of the period selected they make the roll with the time modifier. If successful they gain the "sub skill" desired. (note: having the "fast learner" perk adds a flat +1 to this check)
  2. Without example: The character makes a unmodified "knowledge" check against a DC equal to 3 times the complexity level +2. He may add +1 to the roll if they takes 1 week, +2 if they take 1 month, +3 if they take 3 months, +4 if they take 1 year to study the technology. At the end of the period selected they make the roll with the time modifier. If successful they gain the "sub skill" desired.
Crib notes for learn new stuff DC's ( Study / figure out )
  1. = DC 3 / 5
  2. = DC 6 / 8
  3. = DC 9 / 11
  4. = DC 12 / 14
  5. = DC 15 / 17

To Create:
  • Use the skill "Super science"
  • Must have LAB that provide bonus (Electrical or Mechanical, GM's choice)
  • DC for check = Learn DC
  • Success's required = Cplx lvl x Cplx lvl x 2
  • Rate of checks = once every 24 hours
  • Cost =
Crib notes for making stuff:
  1. DC = 3, Successes = 2
  2. DC = 6, Successes = 8
  3. DC = 9, Successes = 18
  4. DC = 12, Successes = 32
  5. DC = 15, Successes = 50
To repair
  • Use the skill "Super Science"
  • Must have LAB that provide bonus (Electrical or Mechanical, GM's choice)
  • DC for check = Learn DC
  • Success's required = Cplx lvl x 2
  • Rate of checks = once every 8 hours
  • Cost =
Crib notes for repairing stuff:
  1. DC = 3, Successes = 2
  2. DC = 6, Successes = 4
  3. DC = 9, Successes = 6
  4. DC = 12, Successes = 8
  5. DC = 15, Successes = 10
  • Use the skill "tinker"
  • Must have a Tinkering LAB
  • DC for check = Learn DC +2
  • Success's required = Cplx lvl x2
  • Rate of checks = once every 24 hours
  • Cost =
Crib notes for tinkering with stuff:
  1. DC = 5, Successes = 2
  2. DC = 8, Successes = 4
  3. DC = 11, Successes = 6
  4. DC = 15, Successes = 8
  5. DC = 17, Successes = 10

Note I place "light" laser and rail guns as more difficult to make as normally the BIG stuff is made then as the techniques are perfected they get smaller and smaller. In many cases Micro is way harder than macro.


  • Mike please ret con the following on Yuri.
Tech sci (computator)

super science lvl 2, cplx 3
With the following sub skills: Radar, computers, helicopters, jet propulsion, rocketry, advanced Airframe design, VPVTOL, Dynamic electrics fields(Tesla coils)

*** probably shouldnt try and fit all that on the main skill list I guess. ***
  • Allister
You have 6 skill points to spend (ie: 6 xp points that can only be spent on skills) to balance out a bit the extra points I just threw mike.


I'm mostly doing this to lay down a grid work to set up some rules for dealing with this stuff as the rules provided by DP9 are a bit... vague.


Friday, September 19, 2008

instigation post

Gonna use this page for any "game" related stuff.